Sample set jute (untreated)
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Product description
The decision about which rope to buy next is best made after having had the rope in hand. For all those who are still undecided or need help deciding, we offer this sample set (jute). In this set there is one rope from each manufacturer. The sample sets are made from leftovers, which is why the lengths are about 0.5 meters, but can also be more. Furthermore, it may be that the diameter of the ropes vary, for example, both 5mm and 6mm may be included. The following manufacturers are currently included: - Ogawa (6mm) - Amatsunawa (5,5mm) - Nawaya (5,5mm) - Sammt (6mm, soft) - Clara (5,5mm) The sample set gives a good impression about the ropes, their structure and the material itself. To make it easy to touch, the ropes are deliberately loose in a small bag that fits comfortably in any mailbox.